Ideology Matrix

Jason Stone
2 min readAug 11, 2021

Authoritarian — based on some having the privilege to command other’s person and property through threats or actual violence against person and property.

Libertarian — based on individual autonomy and attempts at persuading one another to cooperate in mutually beneficial ways without the use of threats or actual violence against person and property- except for the special case of proportional self-defense

Ideological — using a complex system of ideas to direct behavior where the ideas are somewhat abstract, predesigned, and rigid. Can lead to authoritarianism whenever force is applied to achieve compliance.

Post-Ideological — based on allowing a plurality of systems of ideas about the world that are subject to ongoing revision with no pretensions of having arrived at absolute truth.

Rational-Empiricism — based on the use of intuition, deduction, and precise decomposition of the sensory field into axioms in ways that are validated through group consensus.

Romanticism — based on belief in there being serious limitations to the Rational-Empiricist method of achieving human flourishing and knowledge compared to more organic and intuitive approaches.

000: Authoritarian, Ideological, Rational-Empiricism

Example, Soviet Communism with some inclusion of romanticism in the form of propaganda advocating for worker utopias.

001: Authoritarian, Ideological, Romanticism

Example, Fascism with some inclusion of rationalism in the form of enabling technologies

010: Authoritarian, Post-Ideological, Rational-Empiricism

Example, Oligarchical Representative Democracy With Traditional Capitalism where a small group of wealthy investors control most of the allocation of productive resources and as a result of private land enclosure force most of society to labor for their benefit with the aid of state violence to maintain the private land enclosure. The accumulation of investor wealth is often so extreme verses typical wage earners that the wealthy investor class comes to dominate most of society including government, education, media, art, and culture. Note, Post ideological, Rationalism might be called “Pragmatism”.

011: Authoritarian, Post-Ideological, Romanticism

Example, Authoritarian Postmodernism where there is some coercion and threat of the use of violence in a way that is intended to undermine the formation of ideological movements.

100: Libertarian, Ideological, Rational-Empiricism

Example, Voluntary Only Anarcho-Communism where voluntary sharing and rational planning of the use of productive resources is combined with equal access for personal consumption. Romanticism is included to some extent by relating the subjective psychological qualities of voluntary gift giving of one’s labor to de-alienated evolved human nature.

101: Libertarian, Ideological, Romantic

Example, Voluntary-Only-Ethno-Mysticism which might include attempts to control the evolution of the group as a type of religious activity and where visionary elites intuitively shape the culture in ways participants consent to.

110: Libertarian, Post-Ideological, Rational-Empiricism

Example, Anarcho-Syndicalism where large scale industry is coordinated through attempts at voluntary, rational central planning to rationalize production and replace central government functions.

111: Libertarian, Post-Ideology, Romantic

Example, Counter Culture where there is an emphasis on natural and mystical elements as well as individual expressiveness. Some inclusion of rationalism in the form of personal-scale technologies and trans-rational arguments. In cases where there is very little inclusion of Rational-Empiricism it might manifest as Anarcho-Primitivism.

